Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ric Rac Receiving Blankets

Well, I could give about a million excuses why I've been pushing this blog aside, but the main reason is just because I felt guilty not blogging on our family blog.  Now that I've got it caught up, hopefully I'll be able to keep up there and here.  I'll probably only post here once or twice a week until things calm down. (We're in a new house and doing a lot of painting and redecorating.)  Hopefully I can kill two birds with one stone and post about some of the things we're doing with the house.

But first, I want to show you these cute blankets I made based on this tutorial.

These are pretty easy to make.  I made three in one morning, and I am no expert!!

I like to roll them up and tie a ribbon around the blanket to gift it.  I think they all turned out super cute, and it's a really fun project because the cuteness to time ratio is one of the best I've done!